Human Resources Consulting
for Small-Mid Size Businesses,
Non-profits, and Faith Communities

Tenadel helps with employee relations, policy and documentation, and HR risk management in many forms. We look at your Human Resources practices and help you ensure a strong foundation so you can focus on all the things that give you and your people your professional purpose.

Tenadel is pleased to be presenting sponsor of an event on workplace and domestic violence produced by the Melrose, Stoneham, and Wakefield Alliances Against Violence and the Chambers of Commerce in each community. The event will be on Wednesday, January 29 at Rising Eagle Public House in Melrose. Please see the Chamber and Alliance websites for details of this important event.

About Tenadel

Tenadel was formed to provide Human Resources expertise to organizations whose size or mission preclude them from having a full HR team, or whose founders, principals, and leaders are trying to cover HR basics while they pursue their own core work.

We know that service delivery to you and your people is critical to your organization’s health, resilience, and sustainability. It’s also a moral imperative, so let us cover the HR basics and beyond, and empower your people.

Founding Principal, Eric Heath, worked twenty-three years in corporate human resources, providing scaled strategy and services to a workforce that grew from 120 to 555 employees. As a member of senior management he led HR through three economic cycles, the transition from mutual to stock ownership, complete senior executive turnover, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. He automated processes, shaped a diversity recruiting strategy, launched market leading benefit programs, maintained an audit-ready HR posture, and championed the empowerment of part-time greeters and long-term board members alike.

Practice Areas

Employee Relations
Communication & Communication Plans

Sometimes all that is needed is a one-off message to staff and Tenadel can draft that and revise it to your specifications for a delivery-ready piece. But most organizations benefit from visioning and implementing an intentional internal communications plan that establishes ownership’s or management’s commitment to strategic transparency and an informed and empowered workforce. Let’s work together to determine your needs, what employees are voicing, and the types of information that will inspire engagement, productivity, and a safe and healthy work environment.

Onboarding Practices

Effective onboarding entails more than payroll data entry, I-9, and W-2, and of course where the restrooms are! A comprehensive onboarding program begins with the job offer and supports a new employee all the way to full job competency. But comprehensive does not mean onerous and time-consuming. Tenadel can work with you to identify a path, and therefore the steps to employee success and engagement. Many of those steps are brief and many can and should be delegated to a variety of people with a vested interest in a new employee’s success.

Career-tracking and Succession Planning

If your organization can realistically outline a prospective career track for an employee, or even for a position regardless of the incumbent, it can result in increased motivation, engagement, and innovation. Employer commitment is often matched by employee commitment. Succession planning can be applied at any position level, but is particularly important at the professional and executive levels, ensuring that a plan is in place to develop and match talent to take on successive responsibilities. Both are great talent retention tools, especially when used prudently and wisely together.

Retention-, exit-, and post-exit interviews

The best way to learn why employees stay or go? Ask them. Retention or stay interviews, exit and post-exit interviews all have unique purposes, but all can contribute to an understanding of whether an organization’s employment value proposition is balanced and effective, or just a myth. Selecting these methods with purpose and planning and implementing them consistently can not only yield true and valuable information on employee motivation and satisfaction, but can also establish a reputation for organizational integrity.

Rewards Plans

Rewards and incentives are non-salary ways of providing additional, hopefully motivating compensation as a reward for one-off achievements, exceeded production goals, completing projects before deadline or underbudget, or many other circumstances where heightened needs are met, or extraordinary circumstances are risen to; rewards for work especially well done. Non-salary awards highlight the particular achievement, demonstrate a willingness to recognize exceptional effort, and don’t inflate regular wages year over year. Tenadel can help you design a plan by tailoring its features to your specific needs.

Benefits plans utilization review

The most basic reason you offer employees benefits is to achieve competitive parity or advantage. Many organizations also feel that they can truly enhance work-life balance through group purchasing and negotiating power that would not be available to employees buying benefits individually. Benefits, however well designed or strategically purchased, do little if they are underutilized. Tenadel can look at how, when, and how widely your people are using their benefits and find ways to boost utilization, improving, in turn, employee satisfaction.

Engagement Survey Planning

Tenadel does not conduct surveys, but we can help plan, implement, and use the data derived by third-party surveys.  This is important because employees should understand why a survey is being done, should be asked, not directed to participate, should be encouraged and thanked as the survey is live, and should be confident that survey results will be believed and used. These are high-touch steps that Tenadel can take or direct to help ensure that value is received by organizations and transparency is experienced by employees.

Policy & Documentation
Employee handbooks: drafting, revision, and updating
Tenadel’s philosophy on employee handbooks is that they should be reference tools rather than rule books. They certainly include rules, including descriptions of statutory rights, but they should also reliably describe the employee-employer relationship, mutual expectations, and means toward job success and fulfillment. A customized handbook also expresses to employees that the organization places importance on providing this resource and making sure it is current, correct, and reliable. As your industry, market, services, and workforce change it is critical to maintain your handbook as a resource for today.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Policies
One of the simplest but most critical policies any employer should have in place is a sexual harassment prevention policy. Simple, because states have model policies published by the relevant enforcement agencies. Critical, because the wellbeing of employees and the organization depend on it. Tenadel can quickly review your existing policy, update or revise it, or put a proper policy in place for you. Equally important, we will train ownership, management, or leadership on the importance and use of the policy. There are few eyes that can’t be opened further to the moral and legal risks of sexual harassment in the workplace. Prevention is our goal.
Ethics & Conflict of Interest

To define what ethical practices mean in your organization and what constitutes a conflict of interest safeguards both employee and employer. Tenadel can explore with you your sector’s vulnerabilities to conflicting interests and ethical hazards and how those relate to more generally called-for guardrails. Then let’s reason how best to offer these practices to your employees. No one wants to think that they could act unethically, or fall into a conflict, so it is critical to put policies in place in ways that don’t communicate or imply mistrust.

Job descriptions

When an organization grows, adds service or product lines, diversifies processes, it becomes imperative to document jobs; what duties they entail, what qualifications are needed to fulfil them, what tools and resources the organization needs to provide for employees in these roles to perform them. Job descriptions do all of this and benefit both employees and their employers. Establishing a process for writing, revising, and updating a library of job descriptions also helps to support continuity and reproduceable desired results.

Pay structures

A true and soundly built pay structure takes an organization out of the thrall of anecdotal pay information and rumors and into the realm of data derived, accountable, and reliable guidelines for pay rates. Tenadel will work with you to identify reliable and accurate sources of data, discover what competitive stance is right for you, review your current workforce and compensation, and then will draft a structure. When finalized, your custom pay structure will be based on sound data, built for career mobility, defensible and even shareable with employees, and updateable annually with new data and other inputs.

Performance and improvement plans

The best time to formalize performance management and performance improvement formats and delivery procedures is before you hire your first employee, but that’s pretty uncommon. A close second is when you have some employees, but no apparent performance issues. It gets treacherous, though, if there are no processes in place and an employer has to deal with an employee’s performance issue. In all three cases Tenadel can help. We can establish formats and procedures from scratch, we can revise existing ones for greater usefulness, and we can help you navigate when you have nothing in place. In each situation the goal is mutual benefit. For the employee we offer performance feedback and metrics, as well as a predictable rubric and timeframe for improvement. For the employer, it’s policies and procedures that are constructive and defensible.

Succession planning

From a policy perspective succession planning is about business continuity and execution. The continuity aspect is very powerful because it allows an organization to identify which positions are critical to operations and to plan for competent staffing when talent is reassigned, promoted, or leaves. A plan can track current employees, or positions to fill possible needs. It can also plan an approach to temporary or permanent placement, and a sourcing strategy. Importantly, a succession plan must be seen as fluid and must be revisited in strategic planning, whether that planning is informal, or formal; whether it involves a small business owner, or a senior management team or board. All the elements are in HR’s wheelhouse and Tenadel can help.

Risk Management
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) compliance review (non-audit)

The FLSA is the act of congress that required, among other things, that employees who work more than 40 hours in a week must be paid overtime at 2.5X their normal rate for the hours over 40. It also provides for jobs and circumstances that exempt a worker from the overtime entitlement. Hence, exempt and non-exempt. It’s critical for regulatory compliance and employees’ job satisfaction for jobs to be classified correctly, but there is both science and art to it. There are job categories designated as exempt, types of duties that lead to job exemption, and salary thresholds that determine exemption. Determining FLSA exemption is not for the faint of heart and requires experience. Tenadel can provide that experience.

State & Federal HR compliance review (non-audit)

The differences between, intersection of, and precedence of federal and state employment laws can be cumbersome to untangle. Still, compliance with both is required. Tenadel can help by determining the jurisdictions involved, finding applicability based on workforce size, and precedence of federal over state in most cases. We consult with employment law counsel as needed and will recommend counsel if asked or needed by the client. This work is often done together with Employee Handbook or policy review.

Sexual Harassment Prevention training at all levels

By presenting concise, compliant, focused, and repeated sexual harassment policy training you can prevent illegal discrimination, foster a safe workplace, emphasize your commitment to quality standards for professional interaction, maintain audit and exam readiness, reduce legal risk, and most importantly protect employees from the harm of harassment. Tenadel’s focuses are on prevention, power dynamics, and reporting. Keep in mind that managers, executives, and board members must receive training, as well as staff members. In fact, the most effective prevention work happens at these levels where people exercise authority over others’ work.

DCP - 401(k), 403(b) Plan Document & practices review (non-audit)

Summary Plan Descriptions, Adoption Agreements, Trustee Agreements, and Plan Documents are long, complex and (to many) tedious documents to read. They are, however, foundational to the rules and terms of your Defined Contribution Plan (DCP). Each has its role to play and Tenadel can help make sure your Plan is in compliance with its documentation and that the organization, as Plan Sponsor, is offering the best that the Plan can provide. We will consult with ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) counsel as needed or recommended, but there can be great value in reading the doc’s themselves. today.

Recruitment practices review

There have never been more ways to source and recruit talented people. That may mean there are different avenues for you to try, different ways to see what your peers and competitors are doing, and different ways to critique your efforts’ effectiveness. Tenadel can review your practices versus your needs, now and projected, and help you gain efficiency and results, and to reach a diversity of talent, treat candidates equitable, and include the individual talents of possible recruits. We will also check on the requirements of EEOA (Equal Employment Opportunity Act) and Affirmative Action (EO 11246), as applicable and turn those into valuable tools in building and maintaining your workforce.

Policy infraction investigation

We may recommend employment counsel, or an investigator handle infractions that involve legal matters, but Tenadel can put the time and experience into employee investigations that require attention and 3rd-party disinterest. Policy and procedure infractions, regulatory compliance issues, and interpersonal events can be managed virtually and thoroughly without draining management time, or risking rumors of favoritism.

Service Delivery

Hourly Consultation

Need an answer to a quick question, review of a new job description, advice on an interview or an investigation, or want to rehearse a difficult conversation? Hourly services are here for you. Call, text, email, or video; all at a prorated hourly rate.

Projects & Training

The building of pay structures, retirement plan participation inititatives, sexual harassment prevention training, handbook development; there are many projects we can do together to serve your people and to mitigate HR risks. Let’s talk about your needs.

Retained Services

Having Tenadel on call for frequent needs can support your organization in times of growth and transition, bolster developing HR expertise, or supply a short- or long-term bridge until you have an in-house HR team. Fixed monthly payments in six month and yearly packages.


Eric Heath is an attentive, gracious, and highly informed HR consultant. When our cultural non-profit organization had some tough decisions to make and needed guidance on sensitive matters, Eric provided it clearly, with great professionalism, and in confidence, helping us know our options. I recommend him most highly.

R. Johnson


Cultural Non-profit

Eric was of great help to me as I navigated the closure of a division of a large nonprofit .

There was little question of what needed to be done; it was the “how” that I was worried about. Eric provided expertise in creating termination offers, taught me the pros and cons of offering furloughs, outlined an effective strategy for communicating the closure to employees and community partners, and ensured all of my actions met legal requirements.  Eric made himself available when I needed him, and I recommend him without reservation.

Jeff H.

Executive Director

Human Services Non-profit

Eric’s calm, measured approach was such a help to us when thinking through how to approach a challenging employee. He laid out a clear plan for meeting with the employee, which proved to be successful and productive.

Nicole S.

Executive Director

Human Services Organization

We understand your organization is focused on its core mission, and delivering for your customers, clients, and members.  We know you’re handling Human Resources in good faith and with best efforts, but HR is not your organization’s mission.  It is Tenadel’s mission.

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